Solo Mining Tutorial - Linux version

this is a solo mining tutorial tested on linux Ubuntu 12.04, 64 bit.
You will need also an ASIC USB Block Erupter or other ASIC device(s) supported by cgminer.

1 - download, configure and start mediterraneancoin daemon

as a normal user, run the following commands:

mkdir workdir
cd workdir
mkdir mediterraneancoin
cd mediterraneancoin
tar -xvzf build-mediterranenancoin-linux32-64-

now run for the first time mediterranenancoind with the -server option:

bin/64/mediterraneancoind -server

if this is the first run of mediterranenancoind (or mediterranenancoin-qt), you will get an error:

Error: To use the "-server" option, you must set a rpcpassword in the configuration file:
It is recommended you use the following random password:
rpcpassword=<suggested password>
(you do not need to remember this password)
The username and password MUST NOT be the same.
If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions.
It is also recommended to set alertnotify so you are notified of problems;
for example: alertnotify=echo %s | mail -s "mediterraneancoin Alert" [email protected]

so, create and edit a file /home/<username>/.mediterraneancoin/mediterraneancoin.conf containing the lines:

rpcpassword=<choose your rpc password>

then, start the daemon:

bin/64/mediterraneancoind -server -daemon

Now the daemon is configured to respond to getwork methods and running in the background.
You will have to wait for the daemon to download the blockchain.

2 - start mcproxy

The archive downloaded previosly contains also mcproxy.
From the same directory from where you launched mediterranenancoind, give the following command:

java -jar bin/mcproxy.jar --help

mcproxy requires Java 1.6 or greater.
The more recent Java platforms with a HotSpot VM have a very good performance, thus the use of a Java software during mining can be acceptable, as a first release.
If the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed on your linux distro, you should get the following result:

-s: hostname of wallet/pool (default: localhost)
-p: port of wallet/pool (default: 9372)
-b: bind to local address (default: )
-l: local proxy port (default: 8080)
-v: verbose

If this works, then start the proxy with the default parameters:

java -jar bin/mcproxy.jar &

ok, now mcproxy is running in the background and ready to receive getwork requests from the miners, and proxy it to mediterranenancoind daemon.

3 - download and run modified cgminer

You can build the modified cgminer from source tree on github.

Or download the binaries from here:
This build has the following options:

--enable-avalon --enable-bflsc  --enable-bitforce --enable-bitfury  --enable-hashfast  --enable-icarus  --disable-knc --enable-bab --enable-klondike  --enable-modminer

Here are the commands to download and run the binary of the modified cgminer:

cd ..
mkdir cgminer-mediterraneancoin
cd cgminer-mediterraneancoin
tar -xvzf linux64-cgminer-mediterraneancoin.tgz

In order to start solo mining, you need now the rpcuser and rpcpassword you define before:

./cgminer  -o http://localhost:8080 -u mediterraneancoinrpc -p <your rpc password>

Now you can start solo mining!

After a while, you should start getting messages like this:

AMU0                | (5s):335.6M (avg):337.0Mh/s | A:33 R:0 HW:2 WU:0.0/m
[2014-01-03 22:15:01] Accepted 9ae7819a Diff 2/0 AMU 0     

Have fun!

If you like/find interesting this work, please donate! Thank you for your support!

BTC: 16EGB9xjGDANkfF8rw2sg29RcFmLPWLnhZ
MED (MediterraneanCoin): MZ3Zoam3CkaEKGLLVc63PN7S7bnUmVdqs7